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tooth sensitivity

Identifying and Addressing Tooth Sensitivity Causes

Are you one of the many individuals battling tooth sensitivity? The sudden, sharp pain that shoots through your teeth when enjoying a cold ice cream or sipping on a hot cup of coffee can be agonizing. But don’t worry, as understanding tooth sensitivity causes and implementing effective solutions can bring you relief. In this blog, we’ll dive into the common culprits behind tooth sensitivity and equip you with practical solutions to enjoy your favorite treats without the discomfort.

Tooth Sensitivity Causes


Tooth sensitivity, often characterized by a quick, sharp pain when exposed to temperature extremes or certain foods, can have several underlying causes:

1. Enamel Erosion


Enamel, the protective outer layer of your teeth, can gradually erode due to factors like acidic foods, abrasive toothpaste, or teeth grinding. This exposes the dentin underneath, which contains microscopic tubules leading to the tooth’s nerve, causing sensitivity.


Solution: Desensitizing Toothpaste


Swap your regular toothpaste for a desensitizing one. These toothpaste formulations contain compounds that block the tubules, reducing sensitivity. Use it consistently for lasting relief.

2. Gum Recession


Receding gums expose the roots of your teeth, which are not as well protected as the enamel-covered crowns. This makes them susceptible to sensitivity triggers.


Solution: Soft-Bristled Brush and Gentle Technique


Switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush and practice gentle brushing to prevent further gum recession. Your dentist may also recommend fluoride treatments or gum grafts to address severe cases.


3. Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)


Grinding or clenching your teeth, especially during sleep, can wear down enamel and lead to tooth sensitivity.


Solution: Night Guards


Consult your dentist for a custom-fit night guard. This device creates a protective barrier between your teeth, preventing further damage.


4. Dental Procedures


Certain dental procedures like teeth whitening, fillings, or crown placements can cause temporary sensitivity.


Solution: Follow Post-Procedure Instructions


Follow your dentist’s post-procedure instructions diligently. They may recommend desensitizing treatments or toothpaste to manage the sensitivity until it subsides.

5. Acidic Foods and Beverages


Frequent consumption of acidic foods and drinks can erode enamel over time, leading to sensitivity.


Solution: Limit Acidic Consumption and Rinse


Reduce your intake of acidic foods and drinks. When you do indulge, rinse your mouth with water afterward to neutralize the acid.



Tooth sensitivity can be a daunting issue, but understanding its causes is the first step towards relief. By identifying the culprits and adopting tailored solutions, you can regain control over your oral health and enjoy a sensitivity-free smile once more. 


Ready to bid farewell to tooth sensitivity and embrace a pain-free smile? Absolute Dental Care is here to provide personalized solutions tailored to your needs. Our experienced team can help you identify and address the root causes of tooth sensitivity, ensuring lasting relief and a happier, healthier mouth. Don’t let sensitivity stand in the way of enjoying life’s pleasures – schedule your consultation with us today! 

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